

Hi baby!

Though my O.B gave me a 90% assurance that you are a girl, I still can't get use to it because of fear we might have another misconception of your little patootie down there! But nonetheless, I will love you. I can't wait to feel your first real kick! I can't wait to touch your hands, knees, and feet on top of my belly. Mommy's so ecstatic at the thought of you making free styles inside her womb.

How many times did I whisper that, you are my greatest gift and my greatest miracle? Will you know and will you feel how much mommy loves to give everything for you?

Now I really know what unconditional love means. You made me realize it now. You made me a better person. You made me persevere for the best. You made me appreciate my parents more. You made me responsible, matured, and stable in settling down.

You made my life on earth feels like heaven!

You are my life. My flesh, my blood, and my heart is yours too. We are the mere sample of unity. Physically, emotionally and mentally we are one. And mommy only wants to be the best person she can be, because she believes you will be the kind of person that she is.

Do you know that daddy is also trying to be the best father that he could be for his first little baby? You wanna know why? Then wait for my next letter my little angel. This surely won't be the last.

Mommy Queenie
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