

I was thinking what could be the best thing I can post that will steal not just the interest of my readers, but also of myself. I personally want to make this blog be as informative as it can be to be able to give the time of those who read a little worth. As I browsed the net and as I contemplated on my personal needs, I've come across this site that offers a lot of blog writers that posts mostly of DIY (do-it-yourself) workshop at their home, using their household resources, it's been spreading to most of blog beauties now here and abroad and thought to myself "why not give it a try"?? I will also make my own recipes that is and will suits my skin's need. Are you a person with a naturally oil skin (or face) and is scared of putting on moisturizer on a daily basis because it might produce more oil and makes you look a thousand times oilier than you already are? Oh my G me too!!!!!! So last weekend I've tried my limited resources at my almost empty kitchen pantry and decided to make something out my own creation :). It was so easy you will be able to follow it with ease and maybe you will come up with a better version of yours that is also worth sharing. I am open to any suggestions and recommendations :). I love learning new trivia's in science that specifically explains about all the healing and goodness of physical body. Obviously it attracts me if there's a scientific facts before I go with the new information about physical health and well being, I am nurse remember?? hehe

So there, since I am at the office now and have forgotten my usb connector, I won't be able to post the I photos I have taken to make you see and believe that I absolutely and personally tried it on myself before I braved sharing my DIY beauty remedy at home. Just stay tuned for more hulabira of my beauty health and remedies that need not to be expensive yet, will give you the luxury to pamper yourself without spending out too much from your payday!!! Relaxing doesn't have to cost much yeah?? I hear you!!!!

This course of beauty remedies is only to have yourself pampered. It still best to cleanse our mind, heart, and spirit of holiness and gracefulness that comes only from our mighty God. Remember: it's best to keep the beauty that comes from within :)

Weeeeh! I'm excited :D Aren't you?

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